Category: Cisco

Cisco posts

Configuring RIP on a Cisco Router

The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is the most basic distance-vector routing protocol in use these days. It has been designed for small and local networks and because it’s configuration is very simple, it’s still commonly used. By default, RIP sends out it’s entire routing table every 30 seconds. While in small networks with few routes in the routing table this is not an issue and RIP can route efficiently; in larger networks with many routers and routes this routing update would cause unnecessary network traffic. You can read more about RIP in the document RFC 2453.

Creating Users on a Cisco Router

Having user accounts on a router makes life and logging much easier. We can assign different privilige levels to different users to restrict access to certain commands. You may want a junior admin to see a few things to help you troubleshoot but you don’t want him to be able to change anything. In the following example we are going to add 2 local user accounts, one with the default privilege level (0) and one with full privilege level (15).